Come and see me at CHCC YA Fest!

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I’m really excited to be appearing at CHCC YA Fest this year - it’s on Sunday 12th May at Chadwell Heath Community Library. I’m chairing the debuts panel (their books are all AMAZING and I can’t wait to chat to them all), and then I’m on the LOL Panel with my very good friend, Chloe Seager, who wrote the Editing Emma series. Prepare for much hilarity!

I’ve heard great things about this festival - as well as being loads of fun, I gather it’s a bit more ‘intimate’ than some of the other events, which sounds really lovely, and makes things a bit more relaxed and personal.

Along with the other authors, I’ll also be signing books after my panel, so come along - it would be LOVELY to say hello!

More info from their website here:

Tickets are very reasonable, and you can book here: